NoteRunner is the result of an experiment that started years ago when a few makeshift notes were scribbled on the back of a diaper box. At the age of six, and with her first song behind her, Jen started capturing the songs that had been flooding her mind.
The idea for NoteRunner came years later while trying to find recital songs for her two youngest boys. She continually asked, "Why is it so hard to find challenging recital songs for my boys that they will want to learn and play? There must be a better way!"
And.. you know what... there should also be a better way for indepedent artists to be heard and to be able sell their music in a simple, profitable manner. Now you can find the new, fresh sheet music you've been looking for. And now, you can start sharing the music that's been flooding your mind - with the world! We hope you enjoy NoteRunner.com.